Almanach Absolwentów IV L.O. im. H. Sienkiewicza w Częstochowie |
Uroczystości w Wigston Magna (Wielka Brytania ) Autor: Cieślak Aleksander Data dodania: 07.02.2009 08:24:30
W dniu 4 lutego 2009 r. przypada 63 rocznica śmierci ppłk Romualda Sulińskiego i jego załogi. Piloci zginęli w katastrofie obok szkoły w Wigston Magna (Wielka Brytania). Załogę tworzyli : Suliński Romuald ( ur. 13.12.1908 w Budach Grabskich k. Skierniewic ) Jędrzejczyk Władysław Ryszard ( ur. 03.04.1915 w Częstochowie – absolwent Gimnazjum im. H. Sienkiewicza ) Mikuła Feliks ( ur. 16.09.1920 w Jelitowie k. Ostrowa Wielkopolskiego ) Sułgut Czesław Kazimierz ( ur. 10.02.1918 ) Brzeziński Wacław (ur. 02.11.1918 ) Szwandt Michał ur. 08.11.1917 ) Przyjaciel rodziny członka tej załogi - mechanika pokładowego Feliksa Mikuły - Peter Rang (Brytyjczyk) podjął własną inicjatywę, aby w 63. rocznicę tej tragedii złożyć kwiaty na miejscu katastrofy - obok szkoły w Wigston Magna (Wielka Brytania).
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Bench is unveiled to honour Polish airmen
Friday, February 06, 2009, 09:30
A primary school has commemorated an historic plane crash which took place more than 60 years ago.
On Wednesday, All Saints Primary School, in Long Street, Wigston, held a service and unveiled a bench in memory of the Lancaster bomber crash in 1946.
All six members of the Polish crew were killed and some people in the town were injured.
The plane crashed into an old beech tree at the primary school, but luckily all the children at the time were indoors.
The school still has a number of artifacts from the tragedy, including a branch of the old beech tree with part of the plane embedded in it.
All 240 pupils attended the service in the playground.
Head teacher Mary Lawson said: "There were quite a few local people there who had recollections of the crash.
"It was so wonderful.
"We couldn't have wished for a better day or for any better weather.
"As I said to the people there, it's so important to teach our children about local history and help them understand what sacrifices were made by these men."
The bench was donated by Leicestershire Aero Club and representatives from the RAF.
Representatives from the Polish Military Air Attache came up from London to lay wreaths at the scene.
A three-plane flyover by the Aero Club also took place over the school on the Wednesday morning.
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